Composing Music for Games Tutorial Series (Wwise & FMOD)
In collaboration with Chance Thomas author of "Composing Music for Games" I’ve produced two new tutorial series, one for Wwise and one ...

Humanexus Official Film is online
Producer (Initial Story / Guidance / Resources): Katy Börner, CNS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Director ...

Ugly Lies the Bone
Sound design for a live theater show? Sure, why not... Though I've never done a project like it, when director David Anspaugh shared ...

GQ Audio FMOD+Unity Integration Tutorials
My six-part series on the basics of sound design with FMOD and
Run, Skeletons!
Run, Skeletons! is a game development experiment in Unity, FMOD, and the XBox360 Kinekt. Players must lean left and right to help ...

Published: The Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio
My chapter, Musical Behavior and Amergence in Technoetic and Media Arts, explores the techniques and ideas behind Amergent ...

I am Ai We are Ai Book PDF
We've self-published a book about I am Ai, We are Ai - the 2012 National Cultural Festival project in Tokushima, Japan that traced the ...

FM Timbre Experiment
Two images were split into their RGB channels. The three color values were then fed to a FM synth patch in nine second intervals. ...