Sections from Amergent Music: behavior and becoming in technoetic & media arts, my doctoral thesis
Thesis Abstract
Chapter 5, "Londontown and the Continuity of Experience"
Chapter 7, "Constructing a Musical Reality"
Full PhD thesis
Herber, N 2009, 'Dérive Entre Mille Sons: a psychogeographic approach to mobile music and mediated interaction', Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 3-12.
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Herber, N 2007, 'The Composition-Instrument: emergence, improvisation and interaction in games and new media', in From Pac-Man to Pop Music: interactive audio in games and new media, ed. K Collins, Ashgate, Hampshire; Burlington, VT, pp. 103-23.
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